Archive for the ‘.Interview’ Category

25 Nov 2004 我的愛,孫燕姿。

November 25, 2004


【阿品採訪報導】 2004-11-25


1. 妳的氣色看來真的很好、笑容燦爛,這樣的好心情是不是妳在這一年期間發現 “唱歌” 對妳來說有多重要的成果?


2. 休息一年再出發,在籌備新專輯期間有沒有擔心過 “歌迷可能已經忘記我”?


3.「我的愛」真的是一首非常動人的情歌,自己在初聽到這首歌時,有沒有什麼衝擊或感動?MV男主角很帥,在和他演情侶時有什麼 “火花” 產生嗎?

燕姿:第一次聽到這首歌時是先聽到曲,覺得不錯,之後再看到詞,哇!就覺得很 “對” ,其實它在講的不一定是情侶之間,有時候可以是和你工作很久的一個人、或一個朋友,妳一直對他有好感但沒有發覺、或是不敢講,有一天才發現,若再不講就來不及了,可能他要結婚…,總之「我的愛」唱的是一種有 “勇氣” 把可能是你真愛的愛情找回來的一種感覺!至於和男主角對戲,火花是一定要有的拉(笑~),否則會演不出來,他是導演找的法越混血男生,在拍的中場休息時我們有用英文隨意聊聊。

4. 妳的第八張專輯名稱叫做『Stefanie』,妳想表達給歌迷的是什麼?而創作「Stefanie」這首歌背後的故事可否和大家分享?

燕姿:專輯名稱取做『Stefanie』一方面是要對我的歌迷說:「我回來了!」,我有做新的音樂嚐試唷;其他不是我歌迷的朋友,我希望他們能把我當新人,聽聽看!而寫這首同名單曲時,其實我是在寫一個階段,講之前 “最難熬的已經過去”的那個 “苦”階段。有些是很難講出的感覺、有些情緒無法和人分享,我就把它寫下來。


燕姿:以前 “年輕時” 很愛跳舞,會和女同學去Disco,現在少了,老了(笑~)。學現代舞比較累、Tango是比較有節奏感;舞蹈細胞呀..OK LA~(笑);沒有想和誰共舞耶,跳舞只是音樂的一部份。

6. 推薦一首專輯中妳最喜歡的歌並說為什麼。


7. 新專輯中首度嘗試參與製作,感覺如何?

燕姿:其實之前也有參予製作,這次是比例上多很多,但我不敢稱自己是製作人,只敢說 “參予很多” 、加比較多 “意見”;(問:會不會將來想要晉身別的歌手的製作人?)還好,我怕我沒那樣用心(哈!)開玩笑的拉(笑~)!



9. 推薦台灣或新加坡買衣服的好地方?

燕姿:其實每個國家都有好買的地方,重要的是要找出自己的型和喜歡的STYLE。有的歌迷可能會說:「可是我不知道我的型是什麼耶?」那我會建議多嘗試、多試試不同風格的衣服之後,妳就會知道了。我知道台灣人很喜歡去日本買衣服,我自己上次去是覺得..OK啦~,因為其實我比較喜歡二手感和混搭風的衣服,像我可能會去買阿嬤的衣服來混搭,我個人比較不喜歡很 “土色” 的衣服,因為看起來太暗;飾品的部分有時候沒有帶純粹是忘記了(笑~),其實家裡很多啦。



23 Dec 2002 Inteview

December 23, 2002

Q: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

A: Once, when I was in Taiwan, I was asked that question in a show “Super Sunday”, and they displayed an old photo of mine on the screen. everyone looked at it, and were amazed. “Why so old-fashioned?!” they said, and my reply was that “Yes, that’s me. I did wear such old-fashioned clothes. People usually like to look back on themselves after a few years, and when we do, we usually couldn’t help laughing at ourselves. But at least, I felt comfortable wearing it at that time. And I’m still the same even now. I wear what I want to wear, as long as I’m happy. ^_~

Q: Are you satisfied with the results so far?

A: Going by the speed of two albums per year I’m doing now, just the promotions I have to do in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia is taking up all my time. I’m satisfied with the results I have now, because I’m earning money doing things I like to do. Singing, to me, is that simple. I don’t have any long-term plans, but most importantly, I have to find happiness in what i do. that’s very imortant.

Q: Do you face any pressure after becoming famous?

A: Being famous… many people did not believe that I still keep my old way of life after that. The sparkle, the colourful, is just the appearance. Acting, singing, it’s just a job. I feel liberated once I reach home! The entertainment industry is not a dream factory, the main point is still yourself. In Taiwan, the company rented a room for me, more convenient than a hotel. It has a small living room, a little bar and a tiny kitchen. When I’m free, I can cook instant noodles to eat.

Q: What do you like to do when you’re free?

A: I like watching Stephen Chow’s shows. A reporter asked me before if I’ll like to act in his movies or if I mind being “uglified” like Zhao Wei or Karen Mok. Isn’t that going too off-track? Why must I have it, just because I like it? I never thought of acting, and practically, I don’t have the time either. But many people did think that I have some acting talent! ^_~ They said that after watching the MTVs and music shows I starred in, I didn’t do that badly, and some directors even asked if I’m interested in acting. On the other hand, I’m very sure that up till now, music is still my main priority. Acting… may be for later, perhaps when I’m only producing one album a year.

Q: I heard you’re very emotional?

A: I have to sleep for 8 hours daily if i’m to be clear-minded. I love my job, but when I’m very tired, I’ll become quite emotional. During this time, I would love to go for a massage. Even though it’s rather painful when being massaged on, and would even hear some weird popping sounds from your joints, after the massage, my whole body feels so relaxed, and I can sleep very well after that. And boxing… it’s the sport I love most. It can let you vent your emotions! When I first encountered boxing when I’m in University, I had wanted to place a boxing sack(?) in my room, but my mother wouln’t permit me to do so. In the future, when I have my own house, I will definitely get one!

Q: are you vain?

A: I’m a girl. I don’t like lipstick though, since it’s too “hard”. Lip gloss is different, as it’s “soft”, and after putting it on, the lips look sparkly. I love buying lip gloss, and I have more than 10 of them right now. Among them, the lavendar lip gloss is my favourite. I don’t think I’m beautiful, but I’m easy going, and my friends say I’m comfortable to be with around.

Q: What do you love most?

A: Everyone, when they look at me, thinks I eat very little, but actually I love eating, it’s just that I’m very choosy. I only eat what I like. Like the Taiwanese spicy steamboat. Once when I was in Taiwan, because I wanted to eat steamed fish so much, I started missing my home. You’ll never think eating is so important to me, would you? ^_~ And my family. To me, they’re always the most important. They’re like a rock in my heart, never to be moved away, and no matter what happens, i know they’ll be there, supporting me.

27 Jul 2001 A more confident Stefanie

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001

Change. It happens to everyone and it is part of growing up. After stepping into the working world, people usually grow up older, wiser and worldly wise. Stefanie is no exception.

By Peng Wan Joo

On the paparazzi

Turning the talk to the Taiwanese paparazzi, Stefanie informs us that she is already a popular target of news-hungry scribes. The price of fame, perhaps. “But all they have are pictures of me shopping and eating,” she says with a somewhat triumphant smile.

While she initially felt rather scared, she says she does not really bother now. “It really isn’t a big thing unless they get photos of me coming out of some man’s house late at night,” she laughs.

The only defensive measure she takes against them is to close the windows and maintain her privacy with the curtains in her Taipei home.

“I wear very little when I am at home.” Asked about how little, Stefanie quips, “Little enough to be comfortable lah.”

“The air in Taipei is very dirty so I usually close the windows anyway. So there really isn’t much of a difference.” And to this seasoned celebrity, even if the paparazzi were to get her pictures, she will probably try to keep a nonchalant attitude.

“It is not as if I go up to them and ask them to take pictures of me in skimpy clothing. They are the ones who are invading my privacy and the ones who are at fault anyway,” she says.


Stefanie is more confident

And growing up for Stefanie has also makes her more confident.

“These days, I find that I am actually no longer afraid of crowds. At my recent concert in Kaoshiung, I just was just happy to be able to sing to everyone and I really enjoyed myself because I was not nervous.”

In fact, when she did not manage to read the posters which had her lyrics and thank you speech on it, she just blabbered it on. “Nevermind, just do it lah,” she said with a laugh.

The confidence has also spilled over to her music and this increased confidence is propelling her to produce albums which are ‘very her’ and not commercialized.

Says the graduate from NTU who is against making record sales as a judge of whether an album is good, “I even quarreled with my company over that but because I still belong to the recording company, I try to fight to keep the commercial hits to a minimum of 1 or 2.”


Things that don’t change

But despite all the growing up she has done, Stefanie is still annoyed when her family’s privacy is invaded as a result of her fame.

“I don’t think people should bother my family. There are complete strangers who go up to my sister and ask her to get me to sign some of their stuff. I mean, if they want an autograph, they should go to the autograph sessions I hold. If they want to find out more about me, they can always check with the record company.”

Once, Stefanie was so exasperated she actually came up with an ingenious way to stop people from bothering her family.

“I wrote this person a note to thank him for his support. And I added that if in future, they need any new information about me, they can go to Peifen from Warner Music,” she laughs.

Another thing that has remained constant is her deep passion for making music. “I like things the way they are,” says Stefanie who refuses to consider going into acting and refuses to lead the life of a “Heavenly Queen” even though she is now already considered a “Queen” in her own right by virtue of her strong album sales. (Her latest album Kite managed to sell 20 000 copies within a week in Singapore.)

“When you are a Queen like Sammi and Faye, you have to dress up nicely and you have a few managers following you. I don’t want to get used to a lifestyle like that because these are things you might find difficult to get rid of later in life,” she says.

“I just want to continue to make good music,” says the singer who would like to remain unchanged.







But whether you like it or not, experiences will mould and change you, Stefanie. So here’s wishing that you will change for the better and enjoy a brighter future ahead!

Catch Stefanie ‘LIVE” on Sat, July 28, 2001 at 7.30pm at Ngee Ann Civic Plaza where she will perform with dashing junior, Yuki!

27 Jul 2001 The same old brand new Stefanie

July 27, 2001

The same old brand new Stefanie
July 27, 2001

Change. It happens to everyone and it is part of growing up. After stepping into the working world, people usually grow up older, wiser and worldly wise. Stefanie is no exception.

By Peng Wan Joo

Ask her to pose for a picture and Stefanie still shows off her pearly whites with the trademark V sign, just like she did a year ago when I first met her at the NDP Concert By The Bay.

Stefanie a year ago

Stefanie now

A year ago, she was a fresh-eyed ingénue. “I am so happy and proud to be able to perform here,” she gushed backstage when we interviewed her before her performance at the Carnival at the Bay.

Perky, happy and cheerful, she banters easily with my colleague and I and asked us, “Are you students? Both of you look so young!”

But when we met her at the press conference yesterday for the promotion of her new album, Stefanie looks different.

Slightly tired and seemingly more mature, Stefanie’s wide-eyed, sunny disposition has given way to a more knowing, media-weary 23 year-old. Something in her eyes that tells us that the past year as a singer has indeed enriched her life with lots of life experiences.

And it all becomes quite apparent when she goes on to chat with us during the interview session.


Life as a singer is tough

“I never thought life as a singer would be this tough. I used to think that a singer only needs to sing and I did not know that a singer has to do so many extra things like promote herself and promote her album,” she says with a grimace which she brushes off easily enough with a smile.

On top of making music, she has to deal with the public, the media glare and also go on Taiwanese programmes which have a reputation of making fun of celebrities.

“But it is not that bad actually,” she adds as her sunny and positive deposition takes over. “It is just chatting with people and besides, I get to travel to a lot,” says Stefanie who is glad she has become a singer because it exposes her to the way people do things overseas and widens her horizons.


On rumours

Maturity and perhaps the need to remain sane have made Stefanie rather nonchalant about rumours. “I think it is okay as long as I know what I did and what I did not do,” says the singer carelessly.

In fact, she thinks that the rumours (like the love triangle between her, Jay and Jolin and the rumour where she was said to be smoking 2 packets a day) don’t affect her at all and that is why, she has chosen not to elaborate or explain them.

“So what if it is true?” she questions. “To the public, my role is that of a singer. What I do in private and my inclinations has got nothing to do with my role as a singer,” reasons this business graduate with a degree in marketing.

Pressed to explain herself, Stefanie reveals that she does smoke. “But it is ridiculous for me to smoke 2 packets a day,” says the social smoker who only smokes occasionally.

“I did not want to explain myself because smoking is after all bad for health and I do not want to promote it. But I don’t think it should have any effect on my reputation or image (as a singer).”

As for the one about her love triangle with Jay and Jolin where she is said to have fallen for good friend Jolin, Stefanie sees no point in distancing herself from her pal just because of a rumour. “We laugh about it ourselves because it is so ridiculous. But honestly, I think people should respect other people’s inclinations.”

In fact, when asked to give junior, Yuki, some advice, Stefanie asked Yuki not to be bogged down by what others say about him. “People will make all sorts of comments but remember, these people are not your friends. I repeat, they are not your friends so they do not understand you at all,” she says indignantly.








17 Aug 2000 She is as bright as the Sun

August 7, 2000

Like her differently-spelt name (Stefanie instead of the usual Stephanie) which makes people sit up and take notice, Singapore’s latest discovery, 23-year-old Stefanie Sun is taking the music industry by storm with her phenomenal success. Eastciti steals a moment with her during her gig on the first night at the Concert By The Bay to find out what she’s been up to.

By Angelene Wong

You cannot imagine how small Stefanie is in real person. Oh well, maybe you can. TV and photos magnify a person and since she’s petite from the goggle box and on print, you can picture how she’ll be if you come face to face with her.

Fresh out of university, the 23-year-old lass (who bears a slight resemblance to Hong Kong singer/actress Gigi Leung) is already a megastar in Taiwan with her debut self-titled album topping the Taiwan charts for 5 weeks and selling 300,000 copies. In Singapore, her album enjoyed similar success, selling 7,500 copies on the very first day of release. Some cynics may attribute her increased popularity to the much-publicised fiasco in Taiwan where a crazy fan held her at gunpoint. But at the recent Concert By The Bay, Stefanie wowed the crowd with her strong and emotive vocals. In an industry where there are more good lookers and good singers. She stands out by having the best of both worlds.

The NTU biz grad is self-assured and articulate, sharing her views about Singaporeans becoming more globalised and how being too conservative becomes a stranglehold when we caught up with her backstage before her performance at the Concert By The Bay. But that’s not all we talked about…


What’s Up Gal?

Stefanie is still in the midst of her promotional tour for her debut album. She says, “After Singapore and Malaysia, I’ll be going to Hong Kong and Taiwan. So, from August 20 to 25, I’ll be in Hong Kong. And then on September 1, I’ll be going to China. After which, I’ll be taking a short break.” The break is a well-deserved one as the singer had a very hectic schedule while she was in Taiwan, clocking only 8 hours of sleep for 16 hours of work.


No J-pop

Her pop numbers are infused with a hip-hop, R&B feel. Well, not surprising, as the sweet-looking singer loves listening to R&B and Latin music. So, who are her favourite singers or bands? “I usually listen to English songs…mmm…favourite singers?” She pauses for a while but quickly lists American singer Alanis Morisette, Catatonia (the Welsh band that gave us radio-friendly hits like Mulder & Scully & Dead From The Waist Down) and Irish band, The Cardigans as her favourites. The reason: “Their songs have very real lyrics that are close to the heart,” gesturing to make her point. She adds, “I seldom listen to J-pop because I don’t understand the language and they all seem to sound alike.”

No stranger to singing, the NTU biz grad was a singer in the band while she was in school. Ahh… one of those campus bands which plays during lunch-hours and jam-&-hops? Says Stefanie, “We usually play for fun and sometimes we have gigs outside. One gig which we had was at the Suntec Fountain area.” So, what songs do they play during those jamming sessions together? “Oh, we usually play pop songs, Sugar Ray (she starts singing ‘Every morning…)

Since we’re on the topic of songs, I asked if she had free rein in her songs, what songs would she sing? “I like songs where I don’t have to ‘la…'(her elfin face crunching up in a mock grimace) I prefer songs that are simple. Commercial songs are not a bad thing. Alanis Morisette, for example, blurs the line between what’s commercial and what’s not with her popularity.”


Look Of The Millennium

Noticing that she’s quite commonly seen in silver outfits, we wondered aloud whether silver is her fetish. Giving us a look of bemusement, she says, “It’s an image created by the company. But for me, I think it’s been quite fun. As a singer, I get to try clothes that I won’t normally wear. Before I became an artiste, I’m always in T-shirt and jeans.”

So, if she were not a singer, what would she be? “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll take any job that comes my way.” Before you dismiss her as young and laidback, her thoughtful self comes to the fore. “I think I’ll do something that involves marketing (a course which she majored in when she was in NTU). In my line now, I get to experience what I studied in school. A lot of marketing goes into the record business especially in Taiwan which is very complicated.”


Leisure & Keeping Fit

Stefanie is a typical Singaporean who enjoys shopping and going to the movies. Has life changed after she became a singer? “Well, I do get more stares now. I can cope with occasional stares. But one thing I notice between Singaporeans and Taiwanese is that Singaporeans tend to stare and point but the Taiwanese would come up to you and say “Hi, Yan Zhi!” I think that’s nicer than being gawked at like an exhibit.”

To keep fit, she does kick-boxing, aerobics and the occasional swim. Her thin frame may be the cause of concern and the talking point of many but Stefanie is not bothered. I’ve never been more than 49 kg no matter how much I eat. I think it’s more important to be healthy than be obsessed about my size. I cannot help it if I look thin. There’s nothing I can do about it. ‘Healthy can already,’ I tell myself.”
